Talks and presentations

See a map of all the places I've given a talk!

Microsoft Research Fellows’ Graduating Day: Poster Session

June 16, 2023

Poster, Microsoft Research Lab India, Bangalore, India

This is an internal poster session in Microsoft Research, where Research Fellows present their journey at MSR to the rest of the Microsoft family.

ACM COMPASS Proceedings Talk on Reliable Energy Consumption Modeling for an Electric Vehicle Fleet

June 29, 2022

Conference proceedings talk, University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA, USA

In this Conference Proceedings talk, I first highlight the challenges in modelling energy consumption and demonstrate the nature of data which is required to understand the energy consumption of electric vehicles under real-world conditions. Then, I discuss our approach and show how it outperforms Deep Learning based modelling for EV energy consumption prediction.

Societal Impact through Cloud and AI technical talk on Project Vasudha

April 01, 2022

Tutorial, Microsoft Research Lab India, Bangalore, India

This is an internal talk to Microsoft Research SCAI group that seeks help or feedback on the current project being worked on. Vasudha, being a collection of projects that offer AI and IoT-enabled technology solutions to drive sustainability goals, here I discuss the portions of work completed uptil date alongside the collaborations with multiple partners which serve as a source of validation and future deployment initiatives.

TAB Demo on Project Vasudha

February 04, 2022

Demo Presentation of Project Vasudha, Microsoft Research Lab India, Bengaluru, India

This is a demo presentation given to the TAB committee on how we are designing Vasudha as a project and seek feedback on how we can improve.

Technology and Empowerment Talk on Smart Grid Utilities

December 25, 2021

Presentation of Paper Readings and Ideas, Microsoft Research Lab India, Bengaluru, India

This is an internal talk to Microsoft Research TEM group where I disucuss the challenges faced in the current utility grid structure in India, and how we can move to a better smart-grid archiotectonics keeping the possible hard constraints in mind.

INCET Conference Proceedings talk on A Deep Learning Framework for Enhancing Maritime Coastal Security

May 21, 2021

Conference proceedings talk, Jain College of Engineering and Technology, Belgaum, Belagavi, India

In this Conference Proceedings talk, I discuss how to tackle maritime coastal security using a deep learning architecture namely faster region based convolutional neural network (Faster R-CNN). We accurately detect vessels in satellite images and output the latitude and longitude coordinates which when merged with AIS data helps identify whether the vessel is registered or not.

IEMRE Conference Proceedings Talk on Renewable Energy and Demand Forecasting in an Integrated Smart Grid

February 06, 2021

Conference proceedings talk, Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata, Kolkata, India

This is a Conference Proceedings talk where I present how we realistically simulate a microgrid and forecast renewable energies and load demands, along with electricity spot prices. Then, I show the usage of the linear program based scheduler to optimize the total microgrid cost per day.